I thought that maybe getting the word out about the cull would let people know that it's not only Canada that massacres baby seals in a horrific way . That Namibia does it as well and in a more brutal way. Living in where I do , I can't physically get out there and help the seals .
Even though if I could I would be out there in a heartbeat. I felt like what I was doing and what I continue to do was the right way to go.
Money doesn't bring awareness , advocating and spreading the word does. At least that is how I feel , I am only one person and sometimes the energy that is taken from me is draining what I do for these seals. I have posted everywhere about this cause , not only Facebook , but many places on the internet . I have had many people come to me and tell me that they didn't know , how they thought it was just in Canada .
When I contacted many animal right organisations I got the run around ... no one wants to help and bring a major campaign to the cape fur seal. They gave me the run around . 85,000 seal pups and 6,000 bulls deserve to have the attention on them and people fighting for them , but for some reason they are ignored and put on the back burner. Why? There have been many reasons that have gone through my head. Are they not popular? I have noticed in Animal Rights the popular animals that people seem to love more have given the most attention . Are they not cute enough? All Animals are cute . All Animals are beautiful ... I just can't figure it out . I have written so many letters to so many people , and have gotten very little response.. and it pisses me off to a core. I watch the videos of the seals on the beach and playing and I am like what is there not to love and protect ? Mother Nature has done it's own damage to the colony and now it seems like all man wants to do the rest . I am even referring to ARA's in that statement....
What more is there for me to do ? I physically can not go to Africa , it is not in my budget to even take such a trip . I can sign petitions , but really are the petitions that are sent out .... Are they really going to be listened too? It's going to take a magnitude of people banding together as one and fight for this cause. And if it is me as that one person bringing that awareness , I feel like I have done what my job has been .
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