Dear…Anyone who does any harm to animals…
Lab workers who argue for animal testing show studies of how similar animals are to us. You test on animals and use these findings in
treating people as well as approving products for human use. When we ask
why. You say that animals have similar bodies than us. Pigs are
dissected because they have the same muscle structure as us, liver,
intestines, stomach, spleen, and lungs. You test on sheep and dissect
them because they have the same heart as us, eyes, and the structure of
the brain. We have endless similarities with monkeys, so you test on
them and perform horrible surgeries without caring for the monkey. Any
FDA approved products needs to be tested on animals because you say that
we are SO similar. But let me ask you something. If we have the same
structure as these animals, and the same genetic make up…then why is it
so easy for you to be blind to their feelings, pain, and the fact that
they deserve life just as much as we do.
However, when it comes to eating these similar beings. We are instructed on how DIFFERENT we are than animals. You say animals do not deserve to live and that they are
here for us to use and eat. You say that we are part of the food chain
and we are supposed to eat animals. You call chickens dumb and tell me
that they know no difference between living and dying. You tell me that
these animals really have no clue what is going on. And people believe
you! Well I don’t…not for one second.
We walk in the grocery store with death lining the back end of the store. On the right side is the milk that is meant for baby cows yet we consume
it as adults in large quantities. We consume more milk than any baby
cow receives. We put a price tag on this death that is packaged so
neatly in Styrofoam and cellophane. Then we buy this death and feed it
to our selves and the people we love. And we support the actions that you
all take part in. We support it all and we buy into your brain washing
marketing schemes.
Well I am not.
I am a Vegan. I am an animal lover. I do not eat my friends and I do not support YOU. I will tell everyone I can about what you are doing and you will soon be broke.
People will wake up and come out of the cloud you put upon their minds. I
promise you.
A Lover of Life, A Lover of the Living, and a Vegan.
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